Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 13 - Challenges, Recipes, and This Week's Meal Plan

I've been slacking on writing in the blog, but let me tell you, knowing I'm going to be writing it has been a major incentive to stick with the diet.  I fully realized this when I was grocery shopping today and the smell of the fresh-made doughnuts almost made me whimper with longing.  Dramatic I know, but so true.  I thought about having to write down that I had cheated with a doughnut made it easy to walk right on past the bakery section, within inches of the doughnut case.

It's been almost two weeks and the sugar, chocolate and bread cravings haven't let up in the slightest.  It really doesn't help that it's around me constantly.  Someone eating a sandwich from the bistro at work, the bread, animal crackers, pasta, etc. at home, and the aforementioned torturous trips through the grocery store.  Costco had this huge container of cinnamon rolls just sitting out there dripping with mean!  And of course I think to myself that I wouldn't buy that or eat it normally, but the fact that I'm now not allowed to just makes it worse.

Also, yesterday I had some pretty nasty stomach cramps again.  Very painful.  I took an extra dose of digestive enzymes and some fiber and they went away, but not for about 3 or 4 hours.  I know it's something going on with my intestines but can't figure out exactly what.  I'm eating all good foods and my stomach just doesn't seem to like it.  Also, it's very difficult for me to take the Pekana remedies an hour before or after eating so sometimes I take them right before on an empty stomach and hope that's ok.  Breakfast is the hardest because I get up and eat after I get dressed and ready to go.  I guess I could take them as soon as I wake up but then I'd have to schlep downstairs, count out all the drops from each bottle, drink it down and then head back upstairs to finish getting ready.  Somehow I just can't seem to remember to do that.

I heard from someone that they would very much like the recipe for the Italian dressing I use on my salads, so here it is:

Italian Dressing
taken from "The Body Ecology Diet" by Donna Gates

1 cup organic, unrefined oil (I use flax seed oil)
1/2 cup raw, organic apple cider vinegar (I use Braggs)
1 tsp. sea salt or to taste
1/8 tsp. white pepper (I use black)
1/2 tsp. dry mustard (don't use)
2 tsp. Italian-blend seasoning
1 clove garlic
* I also add a bit of cumin

Combine all ingredients in a jar, cover tightly and shake vigorously.  Adjust to taste.  Chill thoroughly.

I make a small amount each time and am hoping to find a carafe I can make the full amount in and have in the fridge when I need it.

Also, here's my menu planning for the week:

B: Egg scramble (2 eggs, scallions, cilantro, quinoa, sheeps feta) or hot quinoa instant cereal
S: green apple w/raw almond butter
L: salmon salad (spinach, smoked salmon, feta, tomatoes, avocado, scallions, Italian dressing)
S: almond slivers
D: broccoli, green bean & chicken saute

B: egg scramble or quinoa cereal
S: apple w/raw almond butter
L: Millet & Sweet Veggies (BED recipe)
S: almond slivers
D: salmon or cod w/Green Bean Salad (BED recipe)

B: egg scramble or quinoa cereal
S: apple w/raw almond butter
L: Cucumber, Wakame & Red Pepper Salad (BED recipe)
S: almond slivers
D: broccoli, green bean & chicken saute

B: egg scramble or quinoa cereal
S: apple & raw almond butter
L: salmon salad or leftovers
S: almond slivers
D: curry w/chicken & quinoa

That's all I have so far.  I had such a hard time this week putting together meals and finding the time to eat well that I decided to try really planning out my week and cooking as much as possible this weekend so I have less to do during the weekdays.  I was up at 5 every morning this week to train clients at 6, working the rest of my morning shift, then rush home to put Zaden down for his nap, squeeze in a workout while he's down, prepare and eat my lunch, then get him up and hurry back to work for my evening shift, then home late to get dinner ready.  Not to mention cleaning the kitchen, getting things ready for the next day, etc. etc.  Jason is helping out enormously and even made me dinner a couple of nights.  My sweet hubby!  It's actually difficult to put down here what a tough week it was, and how exhausted I felt all the time.  All I wanted to do was bury my head in a book (my favorite means of escape).

I also wanted to mention that my workouts seem to be much harder than they used to be and I'm assuming this is because of the lack of complex carbohydrates.  This is especially true for my once-weekly workouts with Mike and his group.  Both classes so far have brought me perilously close to throwing up and I wasn't able to finish.  I feel like I did a bit better this last week so maybe my body is adjusting slowly.  And I did an intense cardio and strength workout yesterday and felt great.  The true test will be next Wednesday though, when I work out with Mike again.

Also, I continue to be more 'spacey' than usual.  I notice it when I'm trying to write a client's workouts for their next day and end up staring out into space, unable to focus long enough to put it all together.  One thought leads to something totally unrelated which leads to something else and all of the sudden I'm thinking about some random thing I did in Hawaii five years ago.  This also can be attributed to the lack of carbs.

I haven't taken an epsom salt bath since those first couple of nights and think I should probably start that back up again.   Other than that, I will continue to strive for a balance between work, being a wife and mom, taking care of myself (this diet and working out), and keeping my house in order.  It feels very overwhelming at times.  As always, any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to put them here.

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