Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 6

Breakfast: Millet puffs, soy lecithin 'milk' made w/water, vanilla, & stevia.
Snack: A few blue corn chips and later, almond slivers
Lunch: The remaining red curry leftovers with quinoa, and leftover soy lecithin 'milk'
Dinner: Pan fried broccoli and green beans with coconut oil, red pepper flakes, and sea salt.  Small leftover portion of salmon from last night's dinner at Jakes.  So delicious I was rolling my eyes and wishing I'd made 3 times as much.  I didn't even need the salmon, the veggies were just that good!  I now have a new favorite dish and I'm sure it will come up in my blog many more times.  I should give it a nickname.  Maybe, Green Yumminess ... or maybe not.

Dessert: An attempt at hot chocolate with thick soy lecithin milk, raw chocolate powder, stevia and vanilla.  I think I just made it too sweet and haven't been able to get the taste out of my mouth since.  Bleck!  Maybe some more experimentation is in order.

In Donna Gates' book, "The Body Ecology Diet" one of her main principles is that you should eat until you're 80% full, leaving 20% of the room in your stomach for digestion.  Sound concept, makes total sense.  Yeah, I haven't exactly perfected this.  All the food I'm making is so tasty I just keep eating and eating, thinking to myself that it's all healthy and I deserve it for putting so much work into it.  And now I'm writing about it in the hopes that I can pressure myself into actually doing it.  I'll let you know how the self-guilt-trip works out.

Also, my mother requested I note that I've stopped taking the Thorne Research Formula SF722, which is the supplement that aggressively kills yeast in all it's life stages.  This was highly recommended by my naturopath, Dr. Renee Schwartz, but is discouraged by Almine.  She suggests not taking anything that will kill off the yeast because it's so important the body rids itself of the heavy metals before getting rid of the yeast whose job it is to protect the cells of our bodies from their harmful effects.  Makes sense.  The real reason I stopped taking it was because I'm supposed to take it 20 minutes before I eat and I never remember.  But now I no longer feel lazy and forgetful.

I also wanted to note that I don't feel much affect of the diet yet and am at the 'wonder if it's doing anything' stage.  I don't think I've lost any weight, which is fine, and I see no difference in my skin or the state of my sinuses.  I do think that my stomach is far less bloated than it usually is at this particular time of the month, and is looking more toned and lean in general.  Great news for my post-baby belly.

That's it for today.  As always, feel free to post comments or ask any questions!

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