Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 2

Ok, Day 2 successfully completed.  For breakfast I made an awesome 4 egg scramble (I was sharing with my son) with green onions, tomatoes, sheeps milk cheese, cilantro and some quinoa.  Today was a carbohydrate day so I tried to add some in every meal.  Normally it wouldn't be tough at all to do this but as my allowed carbs are pretty limited it's actually a bit of a challenge.  Zaden loved it and so did I, so I'm sure I'll be making it again, probably tomorrow as I'm doing another carb day.  Tomorrow is my crazy-intense workout with Mike at work, who's an MMA fighter and puts together the meanest circuits I've ever seen.

About 20 minutes before breakfast I took my Thorne Research supplement which is called Formula SF722 (I think I got that right).  My naturopath tells me it's the strongest yeast killer she's seen and kills it in all of it's life stages.  Along with breakfast I took my digestive enzyme and fiber pill.  I took my Pekana remedies shortly thereafter.  You're supposed to take them an hour before or after a meal but I just didn't have the time this morning.

At work around lunchtime I had my snack of carrot sticks and homemade hummus, along with my digestive enzymes.  Hello garlic breath!

After my workout, around 3 I had a granny smith apple to tide me over until I could make my lunch.

For lunch (which I ate around 4:30), I had black bean & avocado salad on a large bed of fresh spinach, with some blue corn chips on the side (my attempt at adding carbs to the meal).  The dressing was amazing: flax seed oil, apple cider vinegar, cumin, oregano, salt & pepper.  Yummy!  I'll try to post a picture of it.

By 6:30 (while training clients in my home gym) I hit a wall, big time.  I started to feel very achey in my neck, rhomboids, and lower back.  Even my hips started hurting, and I was suddenly very tired.  This could be due to some early PMS symptoms, general exhaustion or the detox.  Otherwise I felt fine all day.  I took 3 ibuprofen and once they kicked in I was left with just the exhaustion.

For dinner I threw together another salad just like I had for lunch but with some salmon and leftover cod added.  I know, odd combination, but I needed the protein.  I took a repeat of the breakfast supplements and am about to go take my Pekana remedies.

I also took my measurements today and look forward to seeing if they start changing.  My next goal is to get some good 'before' pictures taken as well.

My biggest challenge so far is organization and time to prepare everything.  It's definitely a learning curve and I feel like I'm hitting a wall.  More than a little stressful.  Especially when I'm feeding a toddler, chasing him around trying to get him dressed, putting his bag together for daycare, etc. etc.  I have 3 loads of laundry that are waiting to be folded from Sunday, a very messy kitchen, a living room with toys all over it, and all I care about is that I have food for tomorrow!  I definitely need to find some kind of a balance here.

Time to go take my hot epsom salt bath, definitely my new favorite part of the day.  And since it was recommended by my naturopath, who am I to say no?  :)


  1. Ahhh, qunioa for breakfast. I do the same thing and am getting sick of it. I've been making an oatmeal-esque version of quinoa. Cook it in water w/ some coconut milk and dried cherries and cinnamon. Add agave necter at the end and you have yourself something that sort of resembles oatmeal.

  2. That sounds awesome! I'm sure if you've had it enough you're sick of it but it does sound yummy. I can't have any dried fruit unfortunately. For sweeteners I can use stevia, and I've found some really good liquid stevia drops that don't have that awful bitter taste the powder does. I wonder if I can find some unsweetened coconut milk.
