Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 5: My First Restaurant!

As the title suggests, we ate out tonight.  And at not just any restaurant.  At Jakes Bar & Grill in Downtown Portland.  Our all time favorite place.  Jason's parents took us for their anniversary and we had an amazing time with them and Jason's brother and his wife.  It's an upscale place so the pace is much slower and the food took about an hour and a half to actually make it to our table.  Well, the dinner did, which was the only portion I allowed myself to take part in.

First the appetizers come, and this was slow torture!  Jake's calamari is one of my all-time favorite restaurant foods.  And they ordered two plates of it.  So I sat there inhaling the amazing smell, trying to convince myself that this was just as satisfying as the actual tasting and swallowing.  It almost worked.  Almost.

I ordered a simple filet of salmon (no butter, please!) on a caesar salad, which was the closest thing I could find to what fit in the diet.  A dressing of anchovies, eggs, etc. can't be all that bad, right?  And so tasty.  Of course I had them leave the croutons off.  I couldn't believe how quickly I got full off this simple meal.  I had one very small portion of the salmon and as much as the lettuce as I could eat and still had enough salmon to bring home for a salad tomorrow.

And then, of course, the dessert arrived.  They brought Ruth & Michael a special anniversary dessert which was a chocolate truffle cake with strawberry fabulousness sauce and real whipped cream on top.  Argh!  It really does help that I'm allergic to dairy and that I'm fighting some kind of tonsil infection right now because it was so very tempting to have just one teensy tiny little bite.  I was so good!  (Pats self on back)

So, no wine, no celebratory champagne, no bread rolls fresh from their oven, no calamari, no amazing mashed potatoes or starchy anything.  And my salad was genuinely delicious, so that was nice.  We also had so much fun laughing and talking story that it all passed very quickly, once I had my dinner anyway.

The rest of the day is kind of a blur.  For breakfast I had my usual egg scramble with quinoa, then almond slivers for a late snack and Jason's leftover curry & quinoa for lunch, more almond slivers later and Jake's for dinner.  I came home and tried my new dessert, which my mother so kindly called to tell me about after reading about my chocolate cravings of yesterday.  I bought soy lecithin granules, raw chocolate powder, and frozen gogi berries.  I put the soy lecithin granules (only type of soy allowed on this diet) and water in my Magic Bullet and blended until smooth, then added some chocolate and stevia.  It was actually very tasty!  I was too lazy to mess with the frozen berries but I'm sure I'll try them tomorrow.  I also tried a little bit of this with millet puffs and some more stevia which was also tasty.  That liquid stevia (non-alcohol base) is such a lifesaver.

Well, that's all she wrote.  Off for bed!

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