Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 3

I wanted to make sure I write about how spacey I've been today and a great example is how I just sat here and stared at my computer screen for the last minute straight.  Wow.  I think the lack of complex carbs is really getting to me and I'm starting to feel the evil sting of cravings.  Someone brought a huge heart-shaped box of chocolates into the gym and put. it. on. the. trainers. desk.  Yeah.  Where the trainers work.  Where we have to sit at the computers and have it winking at us, tempting us, all day!  So wrong.

I did not eat any chocolate today.  Or any of Zaden's leftover toast, or even his leftover apple with peanut butter.  I'm starting to realize just how many calories I'm not consuming simply by not 'cleaning up' after him.  I also came home to the delicious smell of a homemade pizza Jason made for he and Z.  Now that was miserable and made me realize how much I'm missing hot meals.  Aside from breakfast pretty much all my meals have been cold this week.  Time to start making some miso soup and maybe have Jason make me a modified curry (his curries are amazing).

Today's meals:

3 eggs w/tomatoes, scallions, sheep milk cheese and quinoa.

Large spinach salad w/tomatoes, scallions, sheep milk cheese, wild canned salmon, avocado and an amazing dressing (garlic, italian seasoning, flax oil, apple cider vinegar, salt & pepper).  It was so delish!

A few carrot sticks in hummus while rushing to get to my last client of the day

Tasty Bite Channa Masala.  Yes, I actually found pre-made food that is in-line with the diet!  I was desperately wanting something warm and flavorful but really didn't want to cook.  Might have some more hummus and veggies too.

I did an insane workout today with Mike at work and his group of crazy-in-shape guys.  For the first time I didn't get through the whole thing.  I had to stop a few exercises short because I was afraid I was going to puke.  Actually, it was about the 20th time I thought I might puke or pass out so I decided to sit down.  Yes, this is fun for me.  I absolutely love it, as crazy at that sounds.  You'd have to be there I guess.  The reason I was having such a hard time was that I had clients booked all the way up until class started and didn't take the time to have my snack.  Big mistake.  I know better now and will definitely not miss my snack next week.

One thing I haven't mentioned is how thirsty I've been since I started this diet.  It's hard to describe because it's not like the normal thirst, it's more like I'm just craving water.  All the time.  And of course I pee constantly.  I'm supposed to drink a lot of water to help with the cleansing so it's all good, I just thought it was interesting.  I was also a little constipated yesterday (sorry, TMI) but started taking more of the fiber and digestive enzymes and I seem to be back to normal.

The muscle aches have continued into today so I've taken ibuprofen twice.  Once so I could get through Mike's class and again so I could finish training my clients this evening.  I also had a few instances where I had difficulty focusing on a client, counting their reps, or remembering what I was just going to say.  I'm going to look around and see if there are more ways I can get some healthy carbs into my system so I don't lose what brain power I have remaining.  Time to take my Pekana Remedies and head to bed.

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