Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 4

I want chocolate.  Someone remind me why I'm doing this?  Hurry, quick before I go raid the bag of chocolate chips in my pantry.  The damn box of chocolates was still on the trainers desk and the trainers were oohing and ahhing as they ate them.  And today has really been my first day of sugar cravings, but boy do I have it bad.  I really just like munching on things in the evening after dinner and tonight I really missed it.  I know, I know, it's better if I don't munch in the evenings and this is really good for me.  *sigh*

Today I had an egg scramble breakfast again, a green apple and skinned almond slivers for a snack (about 1.5 hours apart), homemade miso soup for lunch, some blue corn chips as a late snack at work, then my husband's very spicy, very delicious red curry w/chicken for dinner.  I actually ate 6 different times today but one of my big goals with this diet is to make sure I eat when I'm hungry, I am definitely not trying to starve myself or keep calories to a certain level.

My upper back was quite sore today but that was probably from my awesome workout yesterday.  I did great doing my cardio today, didn't get tired or lightheaded at all doing 40 minutes of intense intervals on the elliptical.  I did take 3 ibuprofen afterwards so I could go back to work for my evening shift and not be miserably sore.

Today wasn't such a struggle for time.  I woke up half an hour earlier and that seemed to make all the difference this morning.  That and my husband stayed home for awhile and helped get Zaden up, dressed and fed.  It felt downright leisurely actually.  A good day overall, besides the intense cravings.  Now I'm going to bed so at least one floor will be separating me from the bag of chocolate chips.

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